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Re: [xsl] Re: xmlns in the root element prevents transformation

2020-07-23 16:05:22
On 23.07.2020 23:01, Martin Honnen martin(_dot_)honnen(_at_)gmx(_dot_)de wrote:
On 23.07.2020 22:55, Manuel Souto Pico terminolator(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com wrote:
I think I can answer myself.

The stylesheet needs to have the version hardcoded in the root element,
at least from what I can tell, like
xpath-default-namespace="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2", and it
must be the same version as the input XML files.

In Saxon 10 there is a command line switch and I think also an API
switch to set the default XPath namespace.

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