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Re: [xsl] We need to kick someone out of the group

2021-06-11 07:35:13

Am 11.06.2021 um 14:26 schrieb Charles O'Connor 
Hi all,

Sometimes I am baffled about how to approach something. Sometimes I'm baffled 
by why something doesn't work.

Using XSLT 2.0, I have the input XML:

         <contrib><name>Bob</name><xref rid="aff1"/></contrib>
         <contrib><name>Judy</name><xref rid="aff2"/></contrib>
     <aff id="1"><label>1</label>Kingdom of Curds</aff>
     <aff id="2"><label>2</label>Land of Whey</aff>
         <contrib><name>Jimmy</name><xref rid="aff3"/></contrib>
     <aff id="3"><label>2</label>Duchy of Lambic-Soaked Cheese Rind</aff>

I'm trying to get:

         <contrib><name>Bob</name><xref rid="aff1"/></contrib>
         <contrib><name>Judy</name><xref rid="aff2"/></contrib>
         <aff id="1">Kingdom of Curds</aff>
         <aff id="2">Land of Whey</aff>
         <contrib><name>Jimmy</name><xref rid="aff3"/></contrib>
         <aff id="3">Duchy of Lambic-Soaked Cheese Rind</aff>

That is, move the following <aff> elements into the <contrib-group> and remove the 

I would use group-starting-with in a template matching the parent or
node e.g.

   <xsl:template match="*[contrib-group]">
            <xsl:for-each-group select="*" group-starting-with="contrib-group">
                        <xsl:apply-templates select="@*, node(), 

    <xsl:template match="aff/label"/>

Assumes the identity template set up. tail(current-group()) is 
subsequence(current-group(), 2) in XSLT 2.
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