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Re: John Cowan supports 3683 PR-action against Jefsey Morfin

2006-01-24 08:35:37
Pekka Savola writes:

Why must each and every WG member be required to filter a person's
postings?  Much more convenient to do so in one place.

Because each and every WG member is an individual, with his own ideas
of what he does or doesn't want to read, and imposing the same rules
upon everyone prevents members from making their own decisions.  It
also imposes the decisions of a small minority upon the majority.

Maybe you should try participating in a WG trying to be constructive

Maybe.  Do they involve as much puerile bickering as this list?

As far as I can see from quick googling and browsing
various I-D/RFC data, you've never made any contribution to any IETF
WG at all, just more or less heated and/or trollish messages at 

As far as I know, you're a complete stranger who resorts to personal
attacks from his very first post.  Maybe this list is just the place
for you, from what I've seen.

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