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Re: Official "Junk" status

1997-08-06 22:11:00

On Wed, 6 Aug 1997, David W. Tamkin wrote:
Yes, those are how sendmail will treat mail with recognized values in a
Precedence: header.  No Precedence: header or an empty one is 0 (and so
is "Precedence: first-class").

| To what does the aboe chunk of refer if not to some means of
| separating list, bulk, and junk mail from regular mail?

Not so much separating as distinguishing ... when cycles are at a premium,
special delivery mail gets more attention than ordinary mail but list, bulk,
and junk get less.

OK then it sounds like that is what I am looking for. I ensure that all
mail sent out by the spamserver/junkserver is Precedence: junk and then it
is entirely in the hands of the users whether they choose to expend
resources on junk. In addition it would be reasonable to provide a
mchanism whereby customers of any ISPs I support (which all use procmail
as local delivery agent under sendmail MTA) can with ease choose the level
of junk filtering they wish personally to engage for their account. Hints
or entire .procmailrc files for that purpose are welcome. ;-)

I have been gathering resources relating to junk and spam at my ISP
Knotwork site, htt://, from some of the material there
referenced I get the impression that legally the main thing is people must
have a choice whether to waste resources on advertising. The resources
there seemed to think that provided junk is clearly labelled as such then
that is likely to be fair to all parties, since it would avoud infringing
of freedom of speech or privacy by leaving control in the hands of the
individuals instead of in the hands of legislators (who might deny people
their god-given right to junkmail).

Blessed Be. -MarkM-

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