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Re: Official "Junk" status

1997-08-07 15:55:00
        Author:         Network Admin <netadmin(_at_)knotwork(_dot_)com>
        Original-Date:  Thu, 7 Aug 1997 01:44:38 -0300 (ADT)

OK then it sounds like that is what I am looking for. I ensure that all
mail sent out by the spamserver/junkserver is Precedence: junk and then it
is entirely in the hands of the users whether they choose to expend
resources on junk.

This is not true.

They are _forced_ to expend resources to filter it.  They have to receive  
it, therefore they have to expend resources on it.

ALSO: pick something more specific than 'junk'  -- like 'junk-spam' or  
'spam-junk' because 'junk' is used for other stuff (such as auto-responders)  
that is more valid than spam.


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