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Re: Official "Junk" status

1997-08-06 23:57:00
On Thu, 7 Aug 1997 02:41:29 -0300 (ADT),
Network Admin <netadmin(_at_)knotwork(_dot_)com> wrote:
On Wed, 6 Aug 1997, David W. Tamkin wrote:
It should be noted that "Precedence: (bulk|list|junk)" is part of the
expansion of procmail's ^FROM_DAEMON token [but not ^FROM_MAILER], so any
procmailrc recipe diverting mail matching ^FROM_DAEMON to a folder for mail
sent by programs will put mail with junk precedence there.  Likewise a
* !^FROM_DAEMON condition on recipes for autoresponders will make it ignore
mail with junk precedence.
Ouch, that doesnt sound good. It seems odd to me to regard error messages 
from mail daemons, which may (from my perspective as a sysadmin anyway) be
fairly critical, as junk. I would have tought that if the mailer-daemon

What David meant was that any well-constructed auto-responder will not
send an auto-response to such messages. In other, simpler, words, any
recipe which says * ! ^FROM_DAEMON will not match on messages with
Precedence: junk. That's all it means. If a recipe loses +any+ mail
other than on purpose, it's buggy.

I may hve to give up on using 'junk' to indicate junkmail, it sounds like
'junk' actually means 'of great importance to those concerned with the
actual functioning of the system and anyone who needs to know when mail
they send is failing to get where its going, but of no importance to those
whose sendings are so worthless that they dont care whether they arrive or

This is closer to the truth than you might think, in a way, but
technically, it should only affect the precedence in the way David
explained. Meanwhile, yes, I think it's a bad idea to "recycle" the
Precedence: junk header for use in spam. Without trying too hard to be
provocative, you could argue that we all know what the +correct+
solution would be. 

Blessed Be. -MarkM-
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For the record, this is the person who raises his shoulders and asks
you to come up with a better marketing device than spamming for his
"clients" when you complain about one of them distributing their
sewage all over Usenet. (Escortguide, if you're curious.)

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