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Re: Official "Junk" status

1997-08-07 04:08:00
Quoting Network Admin (netadmin(_at_)knotwork(_dot_)com):
On Wed, 6 Aug 1997, David W. Tamkin wrote:
Normally spammers will do anything they can to slip past filters.  The 
and semi-official thing to do is to include a non-empty X-Advertisement:
header, but there is no set standard.

Hmmm yet I thought both smail and sendmail have priorities, in fact I know
UUCP does also, such that some level of priority is lie priority post or
personal email and and there is a priority known as junk or bulk. Although
the UUCP system allows at least all the lowercase and uppercase alphabet
as priorities, I thought that in the MTA somewhere is set what level among
those to use for bulk? I got the impression fro mthat that mail is
expected to have a precedence when it arrives, in order that e.g. UUCP
knows whether or not it is bulk or list or normal in order to decie which
priority to assign it. Maybe I am completely out of touch. I'll have to

The precedence: header is non standard. Using it to mark spam messages
is non standard. The junk precedence is already used for other purposes,
it is not designed as a spam filtering header. The X-Advertisement
header is also non standard, but it was designed as a spam filtering
header. Most people don't filter, so neither header will help them.
Using both would be best.

Michael Stone, Sysadmin, ITRI     PGP: key 1024/76556F95 from mit keyserver,
mstone(_at_)itri(_dot_)loyola(_dot_)edu            finger, or email with 
"Subject: get pgp key" 

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