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Re: New User: Locking file issue and other bits [Part 2]

2003-02-06 21:58:19

More than you never wanted to know...

I've bcc'd this to his kreminess using a plussed address. he can examine his mail headers on the extra copy (if it arrives) to see how his system supports it. Alternatively, he won't receive an extra copy, and I'll instead get a nouser bounce.

At 18:49 2003-02-06 -0700, Kremey-but-not-Krispy did ask:

Where can I find more information on this "plussing" of email addresses? I've seen it mentioned in passing, but that's about it...

Uhm, head to <> and follow the links to the FAQs?

Jari Aalto's PM-TIPS has, under 11.2, a section on plussed addressing.

PM-TIPS 11.3 discusses a comment trick, but that relies on the MUA of the person sending you email to actually retain the comment fields, and has trouble when someone elects to just enter the "address-looking" part of your address, sans the obvious comment (name) field. It also breaks when you are addressed via BCC (such as on mailing lists), and even mailing lists which send out individual personally-addressed messages typically scrub the s*bscriber address of its comment, so it is little more than an iffy kludge that at best works "sometimes" under specific conditions.

Technically the following is valid per-spec:

or even:
        kremels@(procmail)     (allowed, but I wouldn't recommend it)

Though your MTA will likely rewrite these when the message passes through, becoming:

        kremels(_at_)kreme(_dot_)com (procmail)

But, if you specify your email address in a reply-to with the first syntax, it _may_ retain that format (until the replied-to address is handled at your mailserver and the local part is parsed for local delivery). The idea here is that you'd have a predictable comment portion.

If you want to get into specifics, start with the email address specification, RFC 822, which was superceeded by RFC 2822. See RFC 2822. § 3.4.1 for the meat of addr-spec.

Unlike the rather limited comment addressing above (which I'd never recommend anyway, but it's fun to see what the mail server does with a funky looking address according to the spec) plussed addressing has the benefit of appearing to be a regular email address and not being interpreted as a comment. The MTA doesn't shuffle around the plussed portion, it merely ignores it when parsing out the local username to determine the account for local delivery.

It is _EXTREMELY_ useful for managing bounces on a mailing list, since you can deliver a message with a return path like so:


Which permits you to have just _one_ alias for the bounce processor (per list, although the listname could be encoded into the plussed portion as well) which then takes the plussed portion and unescapes it to determine the s*bscribed address which bounced (since many bounces don't contain an easily parseable subscriber address, or may bounce with an address which was ultimatley forwarded to). ez-mlm (mailing list manager, not multi-level-marketing) uses this technique. It's very useful even on lists which normally don't send out the messages with such unique addressing (which is inefficient to say the least - if you've got 500 users at one domain, you'd rather send ONE message there with 500 recipients rather than 500 separate messages), by processing the subscriber list with a "list s*bscription probe" (being a message containing useful list pointers and reminders of how to get on and off a list, for instance) using this technique, and managing the collective bounces.

Whether your MTA is actually standards compliant is another matter entirely. There is way too much schlockware out there (read: anything running on a Windowz box) that can't follow a standard as it is. The LHS should need to be parsed only by the system identified by the RHS, so as long as the comments are properly handled by the MTA at the recipient machine, all the intermediate hosts which handle the message shouldn't have too much trouble with it, because they shouldn't even be parsing the LHS in the first place!

I'm surprised more people don't know about plussing. Heck, several people here on this forum use it regularly. I use it extensively outside of this forum (the only reason that I don't use it here is that I never chose to change my email address here when I adopted plussing on other forums).

Also, plussing has a beneficial side effect: some viruses (such as Klez) have braindead address parsers which misparse the plussed portion when schlepping addresses, and therefore end up extracting an address as:


Which, so long as you don't have an account at _that_ address (versus username(_at_)host(_dot_)domain(_dot_)tld), results in the virus deliveries bouncing during the SMTP recipient resolution stage (meaning that the BODY of the virus message is never delivered across your network connection). I reported on this some months back (well, perhaps back in March or so of last year when Klez and its ilk started making the rounds, and I noted an interesting increase in the number of rejected messages on my server, and the addresses which were being used).

Plussed addressing has two downsides (which one should keep in mind are really non-issues anyway) that I'm aware of:

        1. Some braindead (and generally archaic) MUAs fail to follow the
        mail addressing RFC and don't comprehend the + portion.  cc:Mail
        is one such program.  Basically, the *SENDER* has no friggin' business
        interpreting the local part, but these apps do.  It is rare for me
        to have problems with people sending messages to my plussed address.

        2. the plussed address still resolves to your one physical address,
        so if you have 20 different plussed addresses, they all come through
        your one account - this is great - except that since the SENDER isn't
        supposed to interpret the local portion, a *SPAMBOT* can harvest a
        dozen variations on your address (from different sources), scrub their
        list for duplicates (user+one(_at_)domain and user+two(_at_)domain will 
        interpreted to be SEPARATE addresses, as they should be), and you'll
        still receive multiple copies.  However, this is really no different
        than if you were using multiple separate PHYSICAL mailbox addresses,
        so it shouldn't be viewed as a real handycap to using plussed

There is a third: your ISP may not support plussing at all. That's easy enough to verify: send yourself a message with a plussed portion.

The sendmail documentation covers plussed users in § 24.4.3 (Sendmail 8.7 and above, which you should darn well hope your ISP has long since upgraded from anyway). Plussing is supported for _aliases_, so it is possible to take a given plussed address and discontinue it, bouncing the bugger (assuming you have control over the mail server configuration), like so:

user(_at_)host(_dot_)domain(_dot_)tld            reallocaluser
user+discontinued(_at_)host(_dot_)domain(_dot_)tld       ERROR:5.1.1:550 User 

Which is a great way to allow you to use _one_ physical account without a lot of configuration overhead, but when you eventually have control over your mail server, you can graduate to selectively rejecting some addressees (say, because some s*bscription list got raided and added to a spam db).

I really hate _receiving_ the spew _then_ discarding it -- whenever possible, I try to reject spew before I've had to take the network hit for transferring the body of the spew (which can sometimes be rather significant, moreso for some fool^H^H^H^H user running over analog dialup). If you can do that, you seriously minimize the impact of email abuse.

FTR, I have a PDF file I maintain with various RFCs, STDs, and BCPs which I make regular references to. <> is s repository of such documents and also includes an archive of newsgroup and other FAQs. Having them in a reference file keeps them at arms reach, and organized to include those specific RFCs which I refer to often.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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