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Re: New Procmail Recipe Forum at UNIX.COM for the Procmail Community

2003-02-15 21:36:08
in message
Professional Software Engineering thusly...

At 14:21 2003-02-15 -0500, Tim Bass did say:
We have started an experimental forum dedicated to helping people
reduce the avalanche of spam by sharing their procmail receipes
and for writing better ones!   Here is the link (you must be
a registered user of UNIX.COM to post):

FTR, you've just sent your announcement to a list which supports
a unix-based tool, but you used the windows MS outlook program and
richtext to do so (hint: many unix mailers are text based and
don't render fonts).

A similar point was raised quite recently one one of the comp.unix.*
groups where "" was being advertised as a web site for
discussing things Unix.

Given that and this particular data point, i would say "" is
on a mission of targeted unsolicited advertisements.

  - Parv


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