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Re: [dkim-dev] Do you have an interoperable DKIM of the recent spec?

2006-12-16 21:23:04
We have developed and deployed DKIM signing and verifying in MDaemon. All Mdaemon's verify and sign with both allman-01 and ieft-06 (or whichever one went to last-call).

A recent inter-op set of test emails (as in just now tonight LOL) results in this:

sa-test(_at_)sendmail(_dot_)net: two-way interoperating without any known 
dktest(_at_)blackops(_dot_)org: two-way interoperating without any known 
dkim-test(_at_)dkim(_dot_)org: this address return perm failures - "relay 
autorespond+dkim(_at_)elandsys(_dot_)org: our signatures fail to verify and their signature can not be evaluated because of DNS misconfiguration. I don't think elandsys has ever worked for us (although I can't remember for sure).

Cisco's reflector is not listed at and I've lost track of that address however the last tests interoperated without any problems (was some months ago though).

I don't know of any other reflectors out there. I would love to see reflectors representing all of the products listed here:

Arvel Hathcock
CEO, Alt-N Technologies

Dave Crocker wrote:
I'm trying to find out how many implementations of DKIM there are, based on any of the recent versions of the spec. Doesn't have to be as late as the one issued out of the working group, but something close.

I don't care about the status of the code (prototype, alpha, beta, released, hack, whatever), product plans, release schedules or anything else.

All I want to find out is that you have some code that has interoperated with someone else's code. I guess "interoperating" with a test suite will qualify, for my purposes.

The purpose of this exercise is very simple: For anyone who claims that the current spec can't be implemented, I want to feed back to them a number that says how many already have been done.



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