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[fetchmail] Fetchmail+Procmail+Amavis

2002-07-03 00:00:43
Hi guys,

I am using fetchmail to get the mail from my pop account, then passes 
everything to procmail (with wants mda "/usr/bin/procmail")to filter unwanted 

Is there a way to *hide* completly that the emails passes by 
fetchmail(_at_)system-name in *any* from fields? I dont know why and how but 
Exim ($sender_address) and Amavis or reporting that my emails are coming from 
fetchmail@ but my e-mail client (Outlook) from field is all right. The problem 
is when Amavis (anti virus) reports that a virus was found, it sends a "you 
have a virus" message to fetchmail@ and not to the original sender.

Thank you,


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