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Re: [fetchmail] Retrieval Error - incorrect header line

2003-07-05 09:06:49
Nice dream.  The problem is that there are lots of malformations for
which it simply is not possible for fetchmail to figure out what the
right thing is, because the information needed to route the message
isn't there.  In general, if sendmail will process it fetchmail will
-- but there is no point in trying to be smarter than the MTA, because
when you are the MTA can't use the result.

Then I must be missing something.

In my configuration I use fetchmail to retrieve mail from my ISP's POP
server and pass it on to my local sendmail server.  In this situation I
can't see why fetchmail can't just package dodgy mail inside another mail
and send it to the (configured) default "postmaster" account.

In particular, if a message is badly malformed, just drag it off the POP
server, repackage it and send the *package* to a fixed address.

Now, I understand that fetchmail is used in a lot of different
configurations, so is there some aspect of its general operation that
prevents the scenario I describe from working?  Or am I missing something