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Re: [fetchmail]Fetchmail and CAPA bug

2004-04-04 10:46:52
Le dim, 04/04/2004 à 19:29 +0200, Nicolas Mailhot a écrit :

Le dim, 04/04/2004 à 18:21 +0200, Jakob Hirsch a écrit :

I don't know where your problem is, but maybe you should just try to get the
source and compile it for your self (or build your own RPM out of it, like I
did). If it does not help, you should post your full fetchmailrc, how you
start fetchmail and the relevant output of `fetchmail -v`.

I'll try to take a look at what's in Fedora's fetchmail-6.2.5-1 SRPM
now ;( I don't think it's been overly patched, but who knows.

Well, the patches are small and not numerous (3 at most)

However the one enabling gssauth has this suspicious snipet :

--- fetchmail-6.2.0/pop3.c      2003-11-14 15:07:43.000000000 -0500
+++ fetchmail-6.2.0/pop3.c      2003-11-14 15:09:42.000000000 -0500
@@ -199,7 +199,12 @@
         * These authentication methods are blessed by RFC1734,
         * describing the POP3 AUTHentication command.
-       if (ctl->server.authenticate == A_ANY)
+       if ((ctl->use_ssl != FLAG_FALSE) ||
+           (ctl->server.authenticate == A_ANY) ||
+           (ctl->server.authenticate == A_GSSAPI) ||
+           (ctl->server.authenticate == A_KERBEROS_V4) ||
+           (ctl->server.authenticate == A_OTP) ||
+           (ctl->server.authenticate == A_CRAM_MD5))
            ok = gen_transact(sock, "CAPA");
            if (ok == PS_SUCCESS)

which seems to expand the condition on which CAPA is emitted. Though
unless auth password means A_OTP it should not matter, right ? (my C is
a bit rusty at the edges)


Nicolas Mailhot

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