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Re: [fetchmail]fetchmail vs Maillenium; mail truncated to 80K

2004-04-22 22:47:50
On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 jcfoley(_at_)comcast(_dot_)net wrote:

Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 02:51:22 +0000
From: jcfoley(_at_)comcast(_dot_)net
To: fetchmail-friends(_at_)lists(_dot_)ccil(_dot_)org
Subject: Re: [fetchmail]fetchmail vs Maillenium; mail truncated to 80K

You're probably using a Comcast POP3 server.

Not that I'm aware of. My ISP is mchsi.com and the signout message from
the pop server claims it's asp.att.net; AFAIK, comcast isn't involved in
any of it. But then I don't really know the politics of who's connected
to whom.

Many others have
experienced this problem.  The problem is that the server truncates
the amount of data returned by the POP3 TOP command.  Comcast changed
to the Maillennium POP3 server in Summer 2003.

My local ISP seems to have changed to maillenium sometime towards the
beginning of this month or the end of last month; that's about when my
last message larger than 80K is dated.
Roger Ivie
Version: 3.12
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