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RE: [fetchmail]Fetchmail will not finf mail server, help

2004-12-06 19:08:08
OK, I have fetchmail retrieving my mail when I am logged on as

fetchmailrc looks like this:
poll pop6.sympatico.ca protocol POP3 user b1fusi29 password ******** mda
"/usr/bin/procmail -d robwalker 

I have installed and ran fetchmailconf.  I am satisfied that it is
working OK and want to keep it to one poll, and manual run for now just
to play it safe.

I have a file /var/spool/mail/robwalker

I also have courier-IMAP installed but not configured.

What would be the next step to be able to connect to the mail I have
fetched by using POP from Outlook Express?  Do I have to do anything
more with Procmail?  Does courier-IMAP have to be set up?

Thanks once again