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text --> IA5 ?

1991-04-08 07:38:46
I've started working on yet another draft RFC-XXXX, which I hope will,
as a result of our latest discussions, bring us much closer to a
consensus.  One of the things I'd like to do is get rid of
"Content-type: text" which, as Stef, has pointed out, is kind of
ambiguous.  Neither Stef nor I, however, are sure what the right
replacement would be.  Here are some possibilities:

Content-type:  IA5
Content-type: USASCII
Content-type: NVT-ASCII

Does anyone have a strong feeling about the "right" name for this
content-type, which is to be used as the formal designator for "the
established default"?  At this point, anyone with a strong opinion has a
very good chance of winning by default....  -- Nathaniel

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