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183,000 BYTES Re: RFC-XXXX-May, PostScript format

1991-05-25 16:19:22
Hello Nathaniel -- Congrats on getting out yet anothner RFC-XXXX!

But, this 186,000 BYTE PS version message clogged my dialup mail
channel for the better part of 5 hours today.  Good thing it was not
on a workday!

It is really not a good idea to send out stuff that big in our current
mail network.  Many sendmail paths have a 50,000 BYTE limit, and most
other sendmail sites have a 100,000 BTYE limit.  I expect the list
maintainer is going to see lots of failed mail!

But, my real reason for writing is to ask what I am going to miss if I
only read the text version, instead of the PS or ANDREW version.
