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Re: Internet Message Bodies DRAFT revisions

1991-06-28 15:46:16
There would be no case of email bouncing because it crosses an 8/7 bit
boundary if there is no 8/7 bit boundary.

Put an end to Euro-centric thinking that says that an in-place North American
infrastructure must be changed in an incompatible manner to accomodate the
convenience and esthetics of PROGRAMMERS in Europe.  That right, I mean
PROGRAMMERS, since with proper software European users will never see the

I am not sure why you talk about PROGRAMMERS. Our 120 customer firms
are not programmers. And these are the people I care about.
Actually we make a living on supporting them.
We have had quite some problems in having all these different
customers run interoperable software, but we have succeeded to date.
I have my severe doubts (based on previous experience) that we
can make all these customers install the same new softwere at
the same time and thus ensure interoperability.

I have been one of the foremost people on this list to advocate
interoperablity of the new and old worlds, so I do not understand 
your words about "incompatible manners". Could you clarify?

Your national languages can be accomodated perfectly well within the framework
of a 7-bit universe.  Let me remind you that the Japanese do perfectly well
with 7 bits through the use of ISO 2022, and they have a far greater problem
and much less motivation for North American compatibility than Europe.

Oh, yes, Danish can be done in a 7-bit universe. People are moving to
8-bit anyway. And other languages like French cannot be done in 7-bit.
Or do you want us to use the 2022 scheme?

I think 7/8-bit transformations without loss can be made, which
gives a good chance to the established 7-bit world to participate
in what is going on in the 8-bit world. That is an interoperable,
backwards compatible set of transformations.
