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Re: Internet Message Bodies DRAFT revisions

1991-06-28 13:38:24
Einar Stefferud <Stef(_at_)ics(_dot_)uci(_dot_)edu> wrote on Tue, 25 Jun 91 

I have become convinced, through silence and avoidance of reading all
this XXXX effluvia, that it is hopeless to deal with the 8-7 encoding
anywhere but at the original UA posting point.  PERIOD.  FULL STOP.
   OK, no problem with that one.... it is where I started from.

Well, I happen to disagree with both John and Stef. 
Bouncing email because it is crossing an 8/7 bit boundary is
a SHOW STOPPER to me. And to many other Europeans.
Try to figure out my trouble telling my users that the mail
was bounced because of some site not being able to accept
what they sent, (which was a simple 8-bit mail).

I can understand why John and Stef want it like that, 
but they do not have to  use this...
