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Re: New-ish idea on non-ascii headers

1991-09-29 02:32:12
Keld writes:
I *do* have mnemonics for the
east-asian languages, and JIS is officially employing these
mnemonics in their POSIX Japanese locale specification.

No, this is not official yet. The Japanese locale definition is still
a draft, not a standard.

On the other hand, I understand that
the Japanese are happy with their EUC encoding, which is 7-bit 
and in wide use in networking, so they do not need mnemonic.

They don't use EUC (which is 8-bit) in non-local email. They use
another profile of ISO 2022, commonly called `JIS', which is 7-bit
(actually, 2x7-bit).

I agree that they don't need mnemonic for Japanese email.


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