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Re: Nested comments, the sequel

1992-02-10 07:59:50
Excerpts from internet.ietf-822: 9-Feb-92 Nested comments, the sequel
Erik Naggum(_at_)naggum(_dot_)no (5171)

    I don't know who should be the more embarrassed by a finding I've
made as I've been working on the necessary changes to MIME to ensure
SGML compatibility: I, who missed a one-word change, or the authors of
the draft, who made it, and then forgot about it.

I vote for the authors.  Squarely.  (Gosh, and I just sent out yet
another bit of evidence that I'd forgotten...)

I do not recall who pointed out the need for this change, but I guess I
reacted just as I said I would have reacted had Erik proposed it.  And
because, as I said, I didn't regard this as crucial, I promptly forgot
it.  The only excuse I can offer is that I have had to cope with an
incredible volume of mail on the MIME document.  (Less than half the
traffic has been on the ietf-822 list, for those of you inclined to
figure out exactly how incredible the volume was.)  I've tried to be as
efficient as possible in this process.  Apparently in this case I
handled the comment so efficiently :-) that I promptly forgot I had done
so.  I sincerely apologize, but since it turns out that the document
says what people have been arguing it SHOULD say, I must say that,
although embarassed, I find this a reasonably pleasant surprise... --

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