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Procedural question: Future MIME types

1992-03-24 09:30:15
I've been getting a series of questions from people that I think
requires a decision by this working group.

The questions are typically of the form, "Is there a MIME type for
<xxx>?"  When the answer is negative, the followup question quickly
becomes, "what is the right forum for discussing the definition of a new
MIME type for this purpose?"

So far, I've received this query on several different topics, most
recently on calendar/scheduling information.  It seems to me we ought to
decide whether all such new ideas are fodder for the ietf-822 list, or
whether new lists should be created for each.

On a related topic, once MIME becomes an official proposed standard, I
anticipate much more detailed study & discussion of the "text/richtext"
type, which might or might not lead to its being split into a separate
document.  This, too, could either take place on ietf-822 or on a more
specialized list.

The question is, should this mailing list be all-inclusive for all new
MIME types, or do we prefer specialized lists for each specific type to
be defined?  Feel free to send your opinions to me and I'll summarize
them to the list, if that's OK with you.  -- Nathaniel

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