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Re: Text/Enhanced straw man

1993-02-16 06:55:33
On Mon, 15 Feb 1993 18:32:01 PST, Bill Janssen 
<janssen(_at_)parc(_dot_)xerox(_dot_)com> said:

        Bill> the message.  If the markup is some subset of simplemail
        Bill> (and simplemail should be defined so that for some large
        Bill> fraction of messages, it will be), the message is
        Bill> converted to simplemail markup, and sent.  Otherwise it
        Bill> is sent as a message in the native markup format of that
        Bill> editor.  So, for each editor format, we'd need some sort
        Bill> of scanner/transcriber program.

Indeed. However the message should be sent as a multipart/alternative,
even if the markups used are a proper subset of

One thriving application of multimedia mail is the exchange of
ducuments for revision. The original editor format must be preserved.

  __   ___  ,    __  
 /__) /__  /| / (    |  J. Laurens Troost    Lehman Brothers Technical Services
/  \ (___ / |/ __)   |  *Opinions expressed herein are mine. Mine, I tell you!*
INET: rens(_at_)shearson(_dot_)com        VOICE: (212) 464-3705        FAX: 
(212) 464-2040

  If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down?  We
     might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason. -Jack Handey

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