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Re: software that drops MIME headers

1993-03-05 00:18:56
It seems to me that message/rfc822 would be adequate, since that was
defined partly (RFC-1341, page 37) for this purpose.

            7.3  The Message Content-Type

            It is frequently desirable, in sending mail, to  encapsulate
            another  mail  message. For this common operation, a special
            Content-Type, "message", is defined.  The  primary  subtype,
            message/rfc822,  has  no required parameters in the Content-
            Type field.  Additional subtypes, "partial"  and  "External-
            body",  do  have  required  parameters.   These subtypes are
            explained below.

Excellent idea, even if it is already present.
Should we add a suggestion to MIME/2 that a single message
that has MIME-version: in its first lines of body, and no MIME header,
may actually be a stripped message/rfc822, and ask it to behave
accordingly? This is icky, but not a major change to MIME....

                   Harald Tveit Alvestrand