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Re: software that drops MIME headers

1993-03-07 02:28:15
Thanks, Ned and John, for pointing out that we probably shouldn't try
to be trickier than the LISTSERV maintainer (or anybody else, for that
matter).  I am certainly willing to see it that way now.

I have some more info.  Sorry if you already knew this.

Someone in the UK told me that he occasionally uses a "Grey Book"
mailer.  Apparently, this mailer simply does not allow headers other
than stuff like From:, To:, Reply-To:, and Authorising-User:.  I.e. no
MIME headers allowed.

But he says that he is sure that the gateway(s) to the Internet would
use a standard way of getting around this if there was one.  So it
seems to me that it would make sense to write up a spec that *all* of
the people in similar situations (i.e. not only "Grey Book", but every
other system with such problems) could use the same method, and
*should* such stuff *ever* spill out of those enclaves, well,
high-quality, commercial UAs will probably do "the nice thing" for the
human receiver.

If we *did* write such a spec, it would help if we could publicize it,
like, *really* widely, by actively going out and searching for
environments that would have these problems.  So, does anybody know
of examples other than "Grey Book" mailers that have this problem?

