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Re: Language tags and 10646

1993-03-08 10:49:22
Excerpts from internet.ietf-822: 8-Mar-93 Re: Language tags and 10646
John C Klensin(_at_)infoods(_dot_)m (3842*)

I don't believe it.  I think the modal email message today is intra-
organization and that most of those messages are monolingual.  I think
that the modal message when intra-organization ones are eliminated is
still probably intra-country, and that most of those are monolingual,

I have to say that I think this is probably overly provincial or
US-centered.  In Europe and in Israel, at least, my experience has been
that people tend to be multilingual and switch rapidly back and forth
between multiple languages in many social and work contexts.  I see no
reason to assume that email will be different, if the capability for
mutlingual expression is present.

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