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Re: Language tags and 10646

1993-03-08 08:43:58
Unfortunatly, c/j/k folding presents a challange which sems to demand a markup,
not as to the specific font, but only as to the font-group which (on the Mac)
would be termed a Script, and which, in this specific case, would relate to 1 
3 specific languages, C/J/K.

Unfortunately, it isn't the only case in which symbol collections should
be rendered differently depending on the language with which they are
used.  As I understand it, we have at least one more in the case of
Devanagari.  That is what led me to this "language" notion: if we could
eliminate the problem by saying 10646-Japanese or 10646-Chinese, I
wouldn't have a serious problem, except that I'd be real interested in
what recommendation we would make to people who are using 10646 with
*neither* Japanese or Chinese.   But the introduction of another
symbol collection and set of language groups has a multiplicative
effect, i.e., we now need to make provision for
and so on as well as for
   10646-Chinese-?     and
on the "why make up a specification for what you aren't using?" theory.

And keep in mind that most messages sent intra-Japan and between
mutually known Japanese speakers are going to use Kanji, not Chinese
Han, so the necessary decoding information is externally available
without any of this extra tagging (whether or not use of the external
information is desirable is another issue).


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