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Re: Mime-Version in message/rfc822 encapsulated messages

1993-08-09 14:30:21
hansen(_at_)pegasus(_dot_)att(_dot_)com (t.l.hansen) writes:
Thus it follows that if the
message/rfc822 part has a Mime-Version header, treat the part as a mime
message. Otherwise, you cannot.

There is certainly debate on this topic--the "Otherwise, you cannot"
statement is much too strong.

There is nothing in the MIME spec which prohibits a reader from
interpreting a Content-* header in the absence of a MIME-Version:
header.  In fact, a strict reading of the minimal conformance rules
gives a minimally conformant reader no leeway to ignore a Content-Type:
or Content-Transfer-Encoding: header, even if there is no

The MIME reader I wrote completely ignores the MIME-Version: header
and treats every message as a MIME message unless it has specific
knowledge that it is something else.

_.John G. Myers         Internet: jgm+(_at_)CMU(_dot_)EDU
                        LoseNet:  ...!seismo!ihnp4!!give!up