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Enabled mail

1993-11-21 18:50:08
Could people give me some pointers to groups working on enabled mail
applications?  i.e. sending programs through the mail to be executed
by the recipient's UA, and possibly generating a reply.

I've had a look at the Safe-TCL stuff, and frankly I'm a little unimpressed.
For the majority of "activation time" tasks, such as newsgroup votes, surveys,
asking simple questions on a form, Safe-TCL seems like a pretty huge
sledgehammer to do it with.  There are some tasks that do indeed require the
power of a full programming language, but something simpler for the small
tasks would certainly be nice.

I don't think I would ever contemplate writing a Safe-TCL interpreter to
integrate with my Microsoft Windows MIME viewer, and I'm skeptical of finding
one for Windows that would be suitable.  A simpler language has a much better
chance of being implemented by me, and in a seamless fashion that would look
much nicer than farming the program off to another program to be executed.

Here's some ideas.  If anyone has done something similar, I'd certainly
appreciate hearing about it.

        replyto comp-weenie-vote(_at_)votetaker(_dot_)com
        choice "Do you support the creation of comp.weenie?" yes/no/abstain
        reply "I vote %s for comp.weenie"
        choice "Do you support the creation of comp.weenie.dork?"
        reply "I vote %s for comp.weenie.dork"


        replyto star-trek-survey(_at_)surveys(_dot_)r(_dot_)us(_dot_)com
        reply "E-mail address: %e"
        choice "What is your favorite Star Trek show?"
                TOS "Star Trek, the original series"/
                TNG "Star Trek, the next generation"/
                DS9 "Deep Space Nine"/
                ALL "All of the above"
        reply "Favorite show: %s"
        choice "Who is your favorite Star Trek character?"
                Kirk/Picard/Spock/Riker/<other> "Other, please specify"
        reply "Favorite character: %s"
        choice "Do you watch Star Trek in Australia?" yes/no
        if yes then
          choice "Do you want to strangle the execs at Channel 9?" yes/no
          reply "Strangulation: %s"


        replyto jane(_at_)host(_dot_)domain(_dot_)com
        choice "Do you want to go out to lunch today, Jim?" yes/no
        if yes then
          reply "Yes!"
          show "Aww!!  Look's like I'll be eating alone again! *sob* :-)"
          reply "Sorry"

The commands:

        choice <text> <choices>
                - Presents a list of choices.
        reply <text>
                - Sends a line of text back to the reply address.
        replyto <address>
                - Set the reply address to send data back to.
        show <text>
                - Show some text to the recipient.
        if <expression> then ... { elsif <expression> then ... } [else ...] end
                - Conditional execution.
        <a few others to get strings, integers, etc>

As an alternative to defining "yet another language", I would entertain an
even smaller subset of Safe-TCL whose programs only contain calls to standard
Safe-TCL library functions for performing "choice", "reply", etc, so I
could just implement that bit of the language and farm more complex things
off to an external Safe-TCL interpreter.

If there is a different mailing list for this, my apologies.



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