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Re: application/postscript newlines

1994-05-20 08:33:04

On Fri, 20 May 1994 07:43:00 -0400 (GMT), Nathaniel Borenstein 
<nsb(_at_)nsb(_dot_)fv(_dot_)com> said:

  nsb> I think that if HTML had been around when MIME was first being drafted,
  nsb> text/richtext and text/enriched would probably never have been invented.
  nsb>  It's certainly fine for the same role.  Does anyone have any
  nsb> *standalone* software for viewing HTML?   

Mosaic works for this. The html widget is reasonably encapsulated, and
can be yanked out. I use:

mhn-show-text/x-html: rxmosaic -dil %f
