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unregistered subtypes in MIME

1994-10-17 22:58:32
I forget if this question has come up yet.

There seems to be a glitch in RFC-1521 having to do with the definition of
subtype.  The BNF for the individual MIME types require that the subtypes be
either one of the 1521-defined types or an extension-token.  However, the
overall BNF permits a token for subtype.

This results in an ambiguity as to whether or not it is permitted to use an
unregistered MIME subtype that does not begin with ``X-''.  Although we feel
that it is a terrible idea to use such things, personal feelings are not
adequate ammunition in filing a bug report.

So which is it?  Either way, the BNF needs to be fixed.  I don't think that it
is possible to have subtype as a generic BNF value; you have to deal with each
of the types individually to avoid ambiguity.

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