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1994-10-19 21:40:10
I'm a bit confused as to what Masataka's position is.  I'd appreciate

There seem to be two contradictory points being made:

1) Some transports/user-agents which claim to be 8bit cannot in fact
deal with octet values in the 1-255 range.

This would appear to be an argument that 8bit should be more
restricted than 1-255.  If this argument is being made, I would like
to see examples of such transports/user-agents.

2) Transports/user-agents that cannot pass NUL are "broken".

This would appear to be an argument that 8bit should be 0-255 and/or
that 7bit should be 0-127.  Given the large body of mail software
(both transport and user-agent) that currently cannot deal with NUL
and given the widespread use of NUL-terminated strings in such
software, the cost of taking such an approach would be enormous.
I would like to see more concrete arguments of the advantages of
allowing NUL, to offset these costs.

_.John G. Myers         Internet: jgm+(_at_)CMU(_dot_)EDU
                        LoseNet:  ...!seismo!ihnp4!!give!up

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