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Re: draft-gellens-format-00

1998-08-19 16:57:29
At 6:39 PM -0500 8/19/98, Pete Resnick wrote:

On 8/19/98 at 3:30 PM -0700, Randall Gellens wrote:

Do we need to?  The draft says that SP-CRLF means "this line can be
flowed with the next".  Since paragraphs are typically separated by a
blank line, a single-line paragraph will end in SP-CRLF-CRLF, that is,
a flowed line followed by an empty non-flowed line.

We could say that.
But then there'd be no way to represent what I've typed here.
I don't know, but that doesn't seem like a good thing to me.

Seriously, though, even though all we will be missing is the ability to
"type haikus", it still seems like single line paragraphs come up enough
that we should deal with them somehow.

If you want to compose haikus, fine, send them as fixed lines.  You
don't want the recipient folding them anyway, do you?

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