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Re: IDN (was Did anyone tell Microsoft yet?)

2002-05-03 10:02:06

On  3 May, nick(_at_)old-mill(_dot_)net wrote:
description of the local-part,  which post RFC 2047 can be expressed
in a range of alphabets. My expectation is that with the introduction
of IDNs, the display-name will have to begin describing the
domain-name as well. This leaves the question of non-ASCII local-parts
unaddressed. I'm not sure they need to be.

The local parts of the addresses definitely needs to support non
us-ascii characters. Consider the very common naming scheme
first_name(_dot_)last_name(_at_)company(_dot_)name(_dot_) There are a lot of 
people out there
who have non us-ascii characters in their names.

        /Martin Forssén