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Re: UTF-8 over RFC 2047

2003-01-15 06:40:53

Charles Lindsey wrote:

Nobody here has been prepared to say that they expect RFC 2047 encoding to
be around in 20 years time.

That is untrue. I have said so, clearly and unambiguously (and added that I
expect it to be around longer).  At least one other person has also said so.

So Charles,

1. Did you fail to read the responses to the issue which you raised?  If so,
   what was the point of raising the issue in the first place?

2. Did you read the responses but somehow fail to comprehend them?  If so,
   you may have a serious reading comprehension problem (this seems quite
   likely, given your failure to note the clear and unabiguous wording in
   the MIME RFCs regarding header field content in both message and
   multipart media types).

3. Did you read and understand the responses but nevertheless think that in
   a public forum with an archive that you could get away with prevarication?

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