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Re: gzip-8bit

2003-02-26 21:40:43

Dan Kohn <dan(_at_)dankohn(_dot_)com> wrote:

All true and useful background.  But do you have a view on the subject?

I think zlib/deflate is technically more appropriate for a
transfer-coding than gzip/deflate, because the latter includes superfluous
meta-info (like original filename and operating system) and uses a more
expensive checksum.

gzip is generally available as a standalone program, which makes it easy
to whip up a quick-and-dirty implementation of gzip-8bit that involves
forking an external process.

zlib is generally available as a library, which is good for writing a
high-performance implementation of deflate-8bit inside the main program,
but not as easy as the quick-and-dirty implementation of gzip-8bit.

I don't think consideration of Content-MD5 adds any arguments on either


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