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Re: gzip-8bit

2003-03-03 18:58:55

Bruce Lilly <blilly(_at_)erols(_dot_)com> wrote:

It's actually worse than that; there are other transformations
unrelated to transport transparency that one might perform on content.

List syntax might be a cleaner fit to existing paradigms

Good points.

An approach along the lines of RFC 2633 could be used...
Yet another approach would be...via a multipart encapsulation.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think these approaches would obscure the
actual media type.  For example, given a Postscript attachment that is
transformed somehow (signed, say) and then compressed, the receiver
cannot know that it's Postscript without first decompressing it.

Here's a revision of my earlier proposal that tries to address your
concerns above.

Content-Type: meta/encoded
  foo; param=value; param=value,
  bar; param=value; param=value,
Content-Decoded-Type: application/postscript
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""
Content-Transfer-Encoding: escaped-8bit

The new top-level media type "meta" is for messages whose type
information is to be found in new Content-* fields.  The type
meta/encoded means that the actual type information is in the fields
Content-Encodings and Content-Decoded-Type.  A receiving MUA unaware of
meta/encoded would treat it as application/octet-stream, which is safe.


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