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Re: Dual names, IDN and ASCII, in e-mail addresses?

2003-09-29 06:50:34

At 02:29 +0000 03-09-28, Adam M. Costello wrote:
They use iso-2022-jp, which is a single character encoding (charset)
that uses a few ISO 2022 escape sequences to switch between exactly four
coded character sets (ASCII and three Japanese sets).

ISO 2022 is a general standard for specifying "switch
codes" between different character sets. It has never
become widely used except in Japan, I believe.ISO 2022-jp
is probably a subset of ISO 2022.

Unicode, of course, solves the same problem in a better way.
Jacob Palme <jpalme(_at_)dsv(_dot_)su(_dot_)se> (Stockholm University and KTH)
for more info see URL: