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Re: Getting RFC 2047 encoding right

2003-12-08 08:53:09

The correct way to reply to a message that has an RFC 2047-encoded subject
is to use the same RFC 2047-encoded subject that appeared in the message
being replied-to.  That's very easy to do - just prepend "Re: " to that
subject line, and rewrap the header (leaving encoded-words intact) if 
necessary to accomodate RFC 2047 line-length restrictions.

Suppose that a mail client receives a message whose subject is encoded 
according to RFC 2047. Suppose further that the message is decoded and 
stored in a database somewhere - in RAM, on disk, on a server 

RFC 2047 encoded words were not intended to be used in this way.  Decoding
is only supposed to happen prior to display or printing, not prior to
