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Re: Getting RFC 2047 encoding right

2003-12-11 02:41:46

Keith Moore writes:
The "obvious" way for most MUAs is to fire up an editor and use the subject line it gets back from the editor. And that's what most of them do.

I guess it depends on what you mean by "fire up an editor".

Something like this, usually:

a = new QLineEdit(...); //
if ( reply )
    a->setText( "Re: " + orig->subject() );
else if ( forwarding )
    a->setText( "Fwd: " + orig->subject() );

I wasn't aware that "most" MUAs these days used external programs to do message editing.

I didn't say program. An editor in a third-party DLL/shared library is external, just like a program, because in both cases the MUA author has little or no control over how it works.

If the editor were internal the MUA could do 2047-decoding for display purposes and keep the raw data as its basic storage. But since the editor is external, the MUA must do 2047-decoding and hand the result to the editor. Later, when the editor hands it back, the "obvious" way is to 2047-encode the editor's result use it. Then there's only one encoder to write and test, and it's used for original messages, for forwarding and for replies. Less to write, less to test, fewer bugs.

I do suspect that "most" MUAs these days initialize a buffer with the (decoded) subject field and give the user a chance to edit it, along with to/cc/etc. fields and the message body.

