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Re: Last Call: 'The APPLICATION/MBOX Media-Type' to Proposed Standard

2004-08-12 13:59:17

moore(_at_)cs(_dot_)utk(_dot_)edu (Keith Moore)  wrote on 12.08.04 in 

This proposal needs to be sent back for further consideration, either
by a
WG, or at least by some mailing list of those with knowledge of the

It has just missed too many opportunities, including the opportunity to
document the mbox format once and for all (and warts and all).

uh, no.  this is an application for a media-type.  it's not trying to
define the mbox format, it's just trying to define a label for the mbox
format that can be used in contexts where MIME media-type labels are
required.  the intent is clearly that this label should be usable with
the variety of mbox files that exist, not with one specific variant of
mbox file.

But to do that, it needs to specify which variant of mbox the data is, and  
to do that, there needs to be at least a description of the various  

From looking at the formail man page (just something quickly found on my  
machine), I see mention of a variant using Content-Length:; a "traditional  
Berkeley mbox format"; and a "BABYL rmail format" (*is* that mbox?).

trying to write a definitive specification for the mbox format is not
the same thing as trying to define a label for that format.  nor is it
the same thing as trying to document existing practice.  many authors
and groups get these confused, with frequently unfortunate results.

However (again), it *does* need to provide a way to identify the variants  
in actual use. If it doesn't tell me which variant of mbox it is, it might  
as well just say "application/octet-stream".

MfG Kai