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Re: Understanding response protocols

2004-10-08 14:33:29

Charles Lindsey wrote:

Which is why I said "The only place where it *can* be known ...". For
sure, if the author does not know, then there is even less chance that
subsequent mailing list expanders would know

Amazing -- this has been explained to you in detail several times
and you still don't get it!  One last time:
Author A sends a message to mailbox foo. That mailbox, unbeknownst
to A, is a mailing list mailbox, which is expanded to multiple
addresses (any one of which might be yet another mailing list
mailbox).  Although A knows nothing about any of those lists,
clearly the administrator of the list associated with mailbox foo
knows that it expands to a mailing list, as do any administrators
of any such downstream lists.