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Re: <quoted-string>s in <msg-id>s

2007-05-02 14:22:43

Arnt Gulbrandsen wrote:

Message-Id: <"28901 98/02/05

(All the messages from this gateway were from military institutions or
badly managed state-owned telcos, so I assume someone on this list can
guess which software this was.)

We have to look at the successor of Harald's "MIXER" spec. and check if
it needs that:  RFC 2156.  One example in 2156 uses no quoted string:

| Message-ID:
|  <562*/S=Eppenberger/OU=verw/O=switch/PRMD=SWITCH/ADMD=ARCOM/C=CH/@MHS>

Examples for the opposite direction (from 822 to X.400) use it, we can
probably ignore them:

| Message-ID: <"bells.cs.u.694:">

| Message-ID: <"DLE/910207154840Z/000">


P.S. to Bruce,
yes, only looking at examples is bad, but I have to go to bed now... :-)