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Re: Re: 2822upd-06 submitted

2008-02-11 12:36:09

My position (at the end of a longish offline thread) is that

1. Sending anything other than colon-space is stupid. I know - I used an MTA that did it for years. People write careless perl scripts to process mail and colon-tab or just-colon gives those scripts indigestion.

2. Some people do it (even after careful thought) and 2822-upd is not the kind of document that should render thoughtful, compliant implementations non-compliant.

I'd like to see a new document that says "here's what you shouldn't do, even though 822 and its successors have allowed it for decades, and even though some people like to do it". (colon-space, multi-address from, etc.) But such a document has to start at PS. 2822-upd isn't that document.


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