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Re: Bounces, was Re: [Asrg] Sender pays vs Forgeries

2003-03-23 16:02:18
At 3:18 PM -0500 3/23/03, Chris Lewis wrote:
Unfortunately we seem to be making up new reasons for bounces on a daily basis.
- insufficient funds in stamp
- go to this url and prove you are human
- blocked by spam filter

We really don't need to get that complicated. Just punt to a URL without trying to tell the client what it means.

If that's a URL that goes to something readable by a machine--then perhaps. Otherwise you've given spammers a wonderful tool for getting their message across. I think you'd be better off just limiting the size of a plain-text message.

I also think there are serious problems with systems that require that you be on the internet when you are reading your email. And more-so with ones that require web access while you are reading your email. People without always-on internet connections very frequently read mail off-line. Ditto for anyone who reads mail on their laptop. Additionally, I have worked with very large companies who do not allow their users to have outside web access.

I just scanned RFC1894, and it seems to be fairly reasonable. We could make recommendations on how a MUA should deal with such a message. I know that some already do handle them specially.
Kee Hinckley        Junk-Free Email Filtering   Writings on Technology and Society

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.
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