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Re: [Asrg] Turing Test ...

2003-04-02 22:43:08

Maybe I should make it more clear: you send a question to,
you can get an answer from, some university, some Unix
vendor, some other domain...

Hence your original mail must already include a "token" which allows
the reply to go through without depending on the sender address
(domain). The simplest way would be to allow mail with

Subject: Re: your original subject

through... (hence "your original subject" should be a bit more
descriptive than "Hi" or "Help"...)

Oh, I got you.  And yes, you have a good point.

This could simply be worked around by having an additional header line such as:

UserID: ArtPollard_3448558020

This user ID could then be added / used in all the e-mail clients that I use.

Then when the whitelister whitelisted me for passing the Turing test it could key off of that in addition to my regular e-mail address.

It does become more complicated when I send a letter to you at:


and my mail client automatically whitelists: ca+asrg(_at_)esmtp(_dot_)org but you choose to reply from a different e-mail address. Even so, I think that this could reasonably be able to be worked around in most situations. (For example, the address: ca+asrg(_at_)esmtp(_dot_)org, could be added to the other header line for the whitelister to key off of in addition to the address you replied from).

Furthermore, I don't think that this would be / is the norm. I think most people have a primary e-mail address they tend to work through. True, at one point, I had about 11 different e-mail addresses but I typically only worked through one or two of them.

Art Pollard
Suppliers of High Performance Text Retrieval Engines.

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