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Re: [Asrg] Protecting Legitimate Commercial Email (was Re: ESPC P roposal)

2003-05-02 02:59:06
On Thu, May 01, 2003 at 04:25:10PM -0400, Barry Shein wrote:
Because that's a generally acceptable way to deal with scaling issues
such as sending out millions of newsletters. The other choice is that
the recipient is paying, why is that more fair (particularly in the
case of bulk commercial email)?

Is a newsletter informing people that want to buy a house about real estate
commercial email? Why should the estate agent pay each and every
provider for being allowed to have the email delivered to the customers
of the ISP? The /customers/ of the ISP signed up to receive the
newsletter to be informed.

Oh ... and as the estate agent ... how much transferals to how many ISPs
do I have to make per newsletter to get it delivered?


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