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RE: [Asrg] TitanKey and "white lies"... (Faking SMTP hard errors "improves" C/R utility?)

2003-05-29 18:45:54
At 06:27 PM 5/29/2003 -0600, Vernon Schryver wrote:

> From: Barry Shein <bzs(_at_)world(_dot_)std(_dot_)com>

> I think we first need to deal with this (I'll assert) fantasy that
> spammers see a 550 or removed an address from their lists because of
> one with any significant frequency.
> ...

I tried to dump on the idea that spammers "typically" respond to
a 550 by removing a target address, but it's just as dreamy to
claim that they "typically" don't.
It would be really swell if people proposing or criticising mechanisms
would pay attention to what they know (e.g. there's a lot of spam),
what they strongly suspect (*some* spammers do or do not remove in
response 550's), and what they wish (*most* spammers do or do not
respond to 550's).

Is there anyone out here that has some info on what spammers actually do with "550" and other error codes?


Yakov Shafranovich / <research(_at_)solidmatrix(_dot_)com>
SolidMatrix Research, a division of SolidMatrix Technologies, Inc.
"One who watches the wind will never sow, and one who keeps his eyes on
the clouds will never reap" (Ecclesiastes 11:4)
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