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Re: [Asrg] Point of information...

2003-06-20 15:06:29
At 05:51 PM 6/20/2003 -0400, Barry Shein wrote:

On June 20, 2003 at 11:20 research(_at_)solidmatrix(_dot_)com (Yakov 
Shafranovich) wrote:
 > >Now that viruses have emerged (Jeem, Proxy-Guzu, sobig.a) which can
 > >make a computer (or, more to the point, millions of computers) an
 > >unwitting weapon against the entire net this problem has to be taken
 > >more seriously by Microsoft.
> Are any of these problems solvable by technical means? Going over and over
 > the illegality of spam does not help things, our group cannot make any
 > legal impact anyway - we are working on technical solutions.

Yes, replacing all MS windows operating systems on all computers
attached to the net with either Unix or a modern unix-like operating
system (Linux, Mac OSX) would eliminate about 99% of the spam and put
virtually all spammers out of business instantly.

That's not entirely practical, but it is technical and it would
address the problem I am describing and responds to your
concerns. Other technical approaches are possible. No, we're not
finished, sorry...maybe Ritalin would help you.

After nearly ten years of grappling with this for you to demand an
instant problem definition and solution (or cease discussion) in one
fell swoop seems almost willfully obstructionist.


I am not demanding a definition or a solution. I would like to help to solve the problem just like everyone else. I do not think that anyone in here means bad, everyone means well. What I would like to see is more discussion of this topic from everyone including urself. Simply stating the facts and demanding a legal solutions does not help. I would like to see a technical discussion surrounding this approach and possible solutions.


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