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Re: [Asrg] In case anyone thought Barry was exaggerating

2003-06-28 07:43:44
bob(_at_)wyman(_dot_)us wrote:
      I think you're being too extreme in your analysis here. Even if
the various systems you list are used, there is no reason (except for
challenge/response) that we need to assume that the failure of a system
to support one or another method would cause mail to be discarded.

  I meant that such extreme systems would be too expensive to use
(time, effort, money, maintenance...)

  A guiding principle is that the number of transactions goes down
exponentially with the cost of each transaction.  This is why email is
so useful, and spam is so prevelent: email is near zero-cost.

  The anti-spam solutions should be focussing on increasing the costs
of the behaviour which spammers use, and non-spammers don't.

  Alan DeKok.

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